Tuesday, November 4, 2008

There's no sickness like old sickness

and trust me, sickness in our house is getting old, really, really, really fast.

So far in the last 2 weeks we have endured 105 degree temperatures in one child, puking, diarrhea, a visit to the after hours clinic and a diagnosis of tonsilitis, then 7 days of antibiotics. At the same time we put up with a barking, seal like cough, slight fever, stuffiness, and constant whining. Now THAT has worked into 104 degree temperatures in the barking child, 2 bottles of the dreaded Tylenol, a 90 minute visit to the after hours clinic stacked with a million sick germs (gack) to only be told, heck, it's just a virus, it will run it's course.

Today, after 2 1/2 weeks of insanity and many many days of missed work, we are heading to the doctor in the hopes of getting a diagnosis of SOMETHING and some medicine to make it all go away.

In all of this, thankfully, I have been the only one to remain healthy. Pardon me while I go find some wood to knock on. I can say now, without a doubt, that grown men are far worse when sick than 5 year old children. It truly is one of those bizarre phenomena that you hear about and manage to forget about until you are stuck right in the middle of it.

This is the first year I have actually let the thought of a flu shot linger in my brain for any length of time before being discarded. I'm still not convinced it's the right thing to do, but it lingers there now from time to time.

I cannot say enough how thankful I am for a flexible workplace and understanding bosses!